Event 4 – Puja upohar 2024
Event 3 – Puja Distribution
600 Blanket distribution
1.Rajgir Sri Ramakrishna Ashram.
2.3areas of Purulia near ayodhya pahar.
3.Kesori brek factory.
4.Pranballavpur Sri Ramakrishna Ashram.
5. Over night distribution at Kolkata.
Event 2 – Puja Distribution
Puja upohar new clothes distribution will be held on the month of September at Beldiha Sri Ramakrishna Ashram & pranballavpur Sri Ramakrishna Ashram. Seva will be given to 200 no of less previledge children.
Please come forward & do something for them.
Event 1 – Dated: 14/05/2022
Sri Sujit Kumar Chattapadhaya (Padmashree) commonly known as “teacher of Rs.2/-” who is a member of “WE THE WARRIORS” also has taken the initiative to commence a computer training program and make students computer literate. It is our privilege to extend our assistance by devoting two computers to his efforts.